
We are going to participate in Dunsmuir Art Walk, October 19th, 2013.
Hours: 1- 6pm
Location: Dunsmuir Hotel – 5744 Dunsmuir Avenue (across from the theater)

Paricipating artists are:

Marga Filip
Kim George
Shery Larson
Ariel Morgan
Jeny Purtle
Lou Wandro
Michael Wecksler
Linda Vivas

We are going to participate in Dunsmuir Art Walk, October 19th, 2013
We are going to participate in Dunsmuir Art Walk, October 19th, 2013

Also, Stark Magic Productions has agreed to perform in conjunction with the Art Walk in Dunsmuir on October 19th in the Old Hotel (I plan on performing short, 10 minute sets in the small parlour room in the back). I’ll be performing without stipend and only on a tip basis.  Came and be amused.

stark magis show in dunsmuir california, October 19th
Stark Magic Production in Dunsmuir California, October 19th